Thursday, November 19, 2009

Save Money/Save Energy

10 Very Easy Ways to Save Money on Energy Bills, and Save Energy as Well

1) Turn down your thermostat and wear a sweater. Turning your thermostat down just 2 degrees will save about about $15.00 a month...that's not chicken feed!!

2) Unplug your electronics when not in use, and don't forget to turn your computer OFF when you are finished. You can save $6.00 to $10.00 per month, depending on how many electronics you operate.


3) Low Flow Shower Heads use less water...ergo, you use less enegery to heat the water. Insulate the hot water tank and reduce the temperature two degrees. You'll never notice the difference, but your water bill will go down about $3.00 a month per person using the shower and you'll save approximately $10.00 per month in energy costs.

4) Clean the condenser coil on your refrigerator and allow the unit to operate more efficiently. Every time you hear your 'fridge running, it is costing you more. And if you plan on replacing your refrigerator, make SURE you get an Energy Star model.

5) Clean or replace your furnace filter every two months. This will increase the furnace efficiency and save you money.

6) Make sure your dishwasher is FULL before you use it. A full dishwasher is more energy and water efficient. BONUS..research has established that dishwashers do a better job, with less water, than hand washing. Not to mention that it allows your manicure to last longer!!

7) Do all your high energy use activities before 7:oo a.m. or after 10:00 p.m. Because fewer people are doing laundry, running a dishwasher, or showering at these off-peak hours, you reduce you energy requirements and cost. Bonus.....many areas of the country charge MORE for power during hours of peak useage, especially during summer, so you could see additional savings depending on where you live and the tim eof year.

8) Weather proof your home. Check, or add, insulation. Seal cracks around windows or doors which cause drafts, and your furnace to run more. Apply weatherstripping around doors. Install double pane windows and apply for the energy credit.

9) Don't let your dryer cool down before tossing in the next load. Your dryer won't have to run as long to "heat up" again. BONUS.....removing clothes from the dryer while they are still warm helps to prevent wrinkling, which virtually eliminates having to iron them. Save time and money!

10) Replace all light bulbs with CFL's. They even make attractive models for ceiling fans and light fixtures now, so there is no excuse. CFL's use less than half the energy of an incandescent bulb. BONUS......using CFL's can also reduce your need for cooling. Incandescent bulbs give off 90% of their energy as HEAT. If you've ever tried to apply make-up on a summer day in a bath room lit with incandescent bulbs, you know exactly what I mean!

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